Tag Archives: patrol

My Imagination


By Patsy Mills

I work as a Security Guard at a Halifax campus and one of my duties is to patrol around the outer perimeter of the campus. It only takes about ten minutes or so to do and very rarely is there very much to report about. So, to make my patrol kind of interesting, I use my imagination to give myself a chuckle once in a while.

There are three big garbage bins from the company Re-Group. The Re stands for Recycle, Reduce and Reuse. Part of my patrol is to walk around them to make sure nothing out of the ordinary is around them. Never was told exactly what was meant by “out of the ordinary”. As long as there are no small dead animals or being over run by rats or ants, then, I don’t mind covering the territory as required. It is very boring and the garbage cans have become the basis of my imagination.

The garbage bins are square with two flapping lids on the top. Sometimes the lids are open and sometimes they are closed. The words Re Group are written on the front of the bin.

My imagination portrays the bins in an animated form, and I am human, not animated. Similar to the pairing of cartoon and human done on the movie of Roger Rabbit or also, compare it to the movie “The Night at the Museum” with Ben Stiller and all the statues in the museum come to life after the museum closes.

I am walking along on my patrol, minding my business and as I get closer to the area where the bins are, I can hear voices, as if they are in a heated discussion. I turn the corner to walk closer to the where the garbage bins are and they catch a glimpse of me approaching and then I hear, “Shhhh!!!! Sh!!!! Stop talking you two!!! She will hear us!!! Shut your Lid. Come on guys , we need to “ReGroup!!!!” Shh!!!

As I get closer, I walk around the bins, thinking to myself, “I am SURE I heard some voices!!!” Even if I did hear voices, uh, from garbage cans, ha ha, I think All I would hear would be “trash talk”.
They are just ‘Has-Bins’. I am a lover of using Puns or play on words even when thinking to myself. As sure as I was that i heard voices, I think I was trying to coax a response out of these bins, even though that sounds crazy as the birds.

As I finish my patrol, I walk away. It was either a breeze that flapped the lid on the bin, or was my imagination making me think I heard one of them give me a raspberry as I am walking away.

I turn around and give them a raspberry and continue on my patrol.